Saturday, 27 Jul, 2024


Working mums spend more time on childcare

The study of 182 dual-earner couples found that the mothers' additional parenting burden started early, when their first child was less than a year old. The research showed when their children were 9 months old, mothers spent nearly 70 per cent of their time on an average workday

Why people love to walk

Known for its health benefits, the concept of nature walk, especially during weekends, has caught up the imagination of city's fitness enthusiasts. With many natural hotspots in the city's outskirts like the Nal Sarovar, Thol Lake and the Punit Van in Gandhinagar giving enough

Dressing tips to Look Slimmer

Even a fit person can look bulky if she doesn’t dress right. Of course, the basic thing to remember while dressing up to look slimmer is to choose correct lingerie. A correct fitting brassiere and body shapers will make you look fabulous in most outfits. So here are ways by which you

How to deal with a negative co-worker

No matter where the negativity stems from, the power to resist and move above all the petty hostility lies solely in your hands. Here are a few ways you can address the issue and keep yourself safe from the pessimism, apart from harmonising the environment for yourself and others.

Light & fresh: Body mists

If you're among those who love light, subtly scented skin, body mist is your go-to product. Body mists are light, airy and have a fresh appeal about them. Most mists contain a low concentration of essential oils or are not concentrated at all and have a higher percentage of alcohol

Yasmin’s Fitness Studio of Katrina-Alia now in Dhaka

DHAKA: Bollywood Doll Katrina Kaif or Sweet Girl Alia Bhat of Mumbai is very much popular for their acting as well attractive body formation. However their fatless slim bodies were not formed in one day. The formation of their attractive bodies required the talent, labor, devotion,

Beauty expert Farnaz Alam on Banglanews Facebook Live

DHAKA: Lifestyle section of the leading online news portal Banglanews streamed a live video at its Facebook page for providing direct beauty solutions to its readers Wednesday (August 23). Farnaz Alam, a beauty expert from Dhaka also director of Women’s World was present in the video

Foods for healthy hair and scalp

  Every individual craves for healthy and better looking hair, luscious locks, that won't diminish with age. Hence, be careful of what you eat, as the nutrients you consume are essential to fortify follicles, each strand of your hair and your scalp. Today, Priya Kathpal -

That Aren't Actually Food!

Peanut-flavored sugar oil doesn’t have quite the same ring, but it’s far more accurate a name than your average peanut butter. What shouldn’t contain added sugar typically has at least two types, plus partially hydrogenated oil (code for trans fat). What should be on the ingredients

Quit Fighting With Your Hair

Girls normally fight with their hair when they: Use heat very frequently on their hair such as electric rollers and straightners etc. Use chemicals regulary on their hair such as bleaching hair colors, highlights and streaks etc. Use shampoo and other hair products that do not suit

How to create a temporary tattoo

To start, zero in on a design you want. Avoid a complicated pattern. Use a gel pen in a dark colour to draw the design. The ink in gel pens is easy to transfer from the paper to the skin. Draw the design on paper such as tracing paper or parchment paper using a pencil, then fill it with

6 Myths About Creativity

While it may sound like any other day, all of these instances are examples where you've flexed your creative muscle. And, like any other muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets, giving you an edge at home, at work and in social situations. A lot of people have

Energy drinks severely damage tooth enamel

`Most of these patients are shocked to learn that these drinks are essentially bathing their teeth with acid,` says Poonam Jain of the Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine, who led the study. Damage caused to tooth enamel is irreversible, and without the protection of

How to Enjoy Your Freedom in a Relationship

Many of us back out of long-term relationships and even marriage due to fear of losing our freedom and identity. However, the thumb rule is to abide by a few guidelines to avoid those clashes that may arise due to high expectations. Free to be different: It is a fact known to all that

High BP increases glaucoma risk

Glaucoma, the second leading cause of blindness in the world, is a condition that occurs when too much pressure builds up inside the eye. This excess pressure pushes back the blood trying to enter the eye resulting in vision loss. “It seems that hypertension might damage the blood

Effective Communication

As simple as communication seems, much of what we try to communicate–and others try to communicate to us–gets misunderstood, which can cause conflict and frustration in personal and professional relationships. By learning these effective communication skills, you can better connect

How to Introduce Your New Guy to Your Old Friends

And while it can be awesome to introduce your current guy to your old life for the first time, it can also bring up some seriously awkward moments—like, say, when he meets the ex who broke your teenage younger self’s heart. But with a little planning, it’s easy for both of you to

Increase child’s concentration and memory?

The brain requires adequate energy to function well and this can be provided with good nourishment through good food intake and regular physical activity. When your child is involved in strenuous mental activities such as exam preparations, planning for extra curricular activities, then

13 Ayurvedic Anti-Aging Herbs

Amla(Emblica Officinalis): Amla is the best Rasayana as mentioned in the  Charaka samhita. Amla is the magical herbs with the rich in Vitamin C. It is believed to have good rejuvenating power. The fruits of Amla  is used to make the Chyawanprash (Herbal tonic) and best Rasayana. So

How to Enjoy Your Freedom in a Relationship

But have you ever wondered what it takes to be free in a relationship? Many of us back out of long-term relationships and even marriage due to fear of losing our freedom and identity. However, the thumb rule is to abide by a few guidelines to avoid those clashes that may arise due to