Saturday, 27 Jul, 2024


Try these 5 health supplements to manage your anxiety

If not taken care, anxiety can take the form of a serious mental health issue. Everyone has a different way of responding to stress. Anxiety in some cases can be a reflex action when faced with stress. Severe anxiety can make one feel uneasy and restless and can take a serious toll on

How many calories can walking 10,000 steps burn

Exercising regularly is important to maintain a healthy body weight. As per the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, people must aim to achieve 150 minutes of moderate to intense exercise per week, which can include walking too. The other recommendation for this is walking 10,000

How To Prep A Week's Worth Of Mediterranean Meals

Inspired by the cultural habits of those residing in the Mediterranean region, this diet has caught the attention of people around the world. Research shows us why the Mediterranean diet serves as a primary defense against heart disease as well as memory-related conditions such as

Benefits Of Green Tea 

Green tea comes from the leaves of the camellia sinensis plant, which is a small shrub that is native to East Asia. While the drink has been enjoyed for centuries, even today, scientists continue to uncover new and exciting benefits of the beverage. Enjoying one or more cups of green tea

Simple Tricks To Make Lipstick Long Lasting!

How many times do you leave home with perfect pout-worthy lips only to see a slight tint of it after a couple of hours. If you are a working woman, you might not always get often breaks to touch-up your lipstick.  The half-faded lipstick can look really messy and can ruin your

10 Rosewater Benefits For Skin & Hair

Benefits of rose water Rose water is undoubtedly beauty's magic potion. Here are 10 benefits: 1. Rosewater helps maintain the skin's pH balance, and also controls excess oil. 2. Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the redness of irritated skin,

6 exercises for when you have been sitting on chair for long

Whether it is work at the office or at home, we are sitting for hours on end. This is not only making us lethargic; it also has an impact on lower body strength.  Sitting for long hours can cause weakness in the lower back, hips and legs and can leave them more prone to injuries

Are hot showers a reason for hair loss during winter

Taking a hot steaming shower after a long day at work during winters can surely help you release stress, but is it really the right thing to do?  We all are well aware of the fact that winters can take a toll on your skin, it leads to itchiness, flaky dry skin and hair fall but so

5 Natural Ingredients You Can Use To Moisturise Hair Instead Of Oil

Your hair needs ample moisturisation just as your skin, because that’s what keeps your hair from becoming dry and brittle. Moisturised and hydrated hair is elastic, and less prone to tangles and breakage! Apart from coconut oil, oils aren’t really good at hydrating hair as

Reasons For Beard Hair Fall In Patchy Shape

This is typically a detaching loss or the hairs that are lost are ones with their life cycle completed. However, this might not always be the case as certain conditions and situations are also there that can lead to beard hair fall in patchy. These can lead to permanent or temporary loss

Give your regular tea a punch of fruits

Sipping on that perfect tea after a long working day can be the best way to unwind. Whether it is about fixing up a bad day or just enjoying conversations over a cup of tea, if there’s one thing that can instantly rejuvenate your senses with a boost of energy, then it has to be

Does love at first sight really exist?

Many of you must have watched the plot of a movie or a series that revolves around love at first sight. But have you ever wondered if it's actually possible to fall in love with someone the moment you see them? You probably must have spotted someone you fancy the first time your eyes

8 Tips For Healthy Eating

The key to a healthy diet is to eat the right amount of calories for how active you are so you balance the energy you consume with the energy you use. If you eat or drink more than your body needs, you'll put on weight because the energy you do not use is stored as fat. If you eat

Tips to remember while washing your face based on your skin type

Everyone has read a lot about how important washing your face really is. But how many of you know how to wash your face based on your skin type That's what matters the most.  If you don't pay attention to the cues that your facial skin tries to give you, you might end up

How maternity leaves impact a woman's career!

“How can I leave my newborn behind to attend office”, How will I feed her were some common dilemma faced by women in all parts of the world.  Hence, to address this never-ending, important issue, maternity leaves were introduced for new mothers. However, it

How to Get Deep Sleep Naturally

Try incorporating these five steps into your routine to prepare your body for deep sleep. By experimenting with each of these steps, you’ll find what does and doesn’t work for you and your consciousness. 1. Shower at the End of the Day This is a good way to calm down

Belly Breathing Exercise

When a man breathes in air, blood cells receive oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a waste product that's carried back through your body and exhaled. So proper breathing is a necessity of life. Try this simple relaxation technique: 1. Place one hand just above

Diabetes Foot Care Guidelines

Diabetes can be dangerous to your feet—even a small cut can produce serious consequences. Diabetes may cause nerve damage that takes away the feeling in your feet. Diabetes may also reduce blood flow to the feet, making it harder to heal an injury or resist infection. Because of

Hair loss Another symptom of COVID-19, even in women

In a video shared to Twitter, Alyssa Milano shares her struggles with hair loss after suffering from symptoms of COVID-19. An increasing number of patients are reporting hair loss months after their diagnosis.  Hair loss can be traumatizing for anyone but the experience is

5 lifestyle tips for a healthy tummy

Digestive problems and stomach upsets can be prevented, relieved and even banished by simple lifestyle changes. Beat stress to ease tummy troubles You may have noticed a feeling of unease in your stomach during times of stress. That's because anxiety and worry can upset the