Sunday, 16 Feb, 2025


Beauty habits you should break

Over-exfoliatingToo much scrubbing robs the skin of its natural oils, causing redness, inflammation and acne. Avoid over exfoliation, especially if you`re using acid based products.Common wet hair mistakesDrying or combing your wet hair excessively is a recipe for disaster. Also, rubbing

10 first-time experiences for newlyweds

Transition to married life is filled with many milestone "firsts," which strengthen the relationship with a spouse.A list of things that happen for the first time after a marriage:The first ever fight between a couple is a lot more different and is a lot more charged.Secondly, getting

Pregnancy and lactation: Meeting nutritional needs

As pregnant and lactating women require additional nutrients are required to meet the special demands of the body. This article deals with the major nutrients that a pregnant/lactating woman’s diet should comprise based on the recommendations of Indian Council of Medical Research’s

IVF comes with risk of birth defect

In-vitro fertilization (IVF), which came as a boon to infertile couples, is not without its flip side too, particularly birth defects, says new research.Increasing birth defect risks, particularly of the eye, heart, reproductive organs and urinary systems, for instance, could be linked to

How to cope with stress

Stress, when left unmanaged can lead to health problems, say University of Alabama at Birmingham experts who have also suggested some ways to help deal with its negative effects.While everyone responds to stress differently, common signs include changes in eating habits, feeling like you

Weekly Beauty Tip

DHAKA: This week’s beauty tip is on ‘Brown Eye Shadow’. Take your makeup box and try…Brown Eye ShadowWhile red hair never fails to make a statement in itself, finding a complementary shadow colour can be tricky.Too-light hues can leave you looking washed out, while a dramatic

Don`t get pushed around at work

Wondering how to tackle that pushy colleague at work? Experts tell Lisa Antao ways to do so.Pushy individuals exist everywhere. In most cases, when such an individual is either a family member or a friend, despite having to deal with their nagging behaviour you know that somewhere they

Is money ruining your marriage?

Arguments over finances can hamper any marriage. However, a little joint planning is all you need to put them to restThere comes a time in every marriage when financial issues cause disagreements. This unnecessary problem can be caused due to inadequate emergency funds, different spending

3 Simple steps to look your best

Nails careLooking good isn`t just about wearing good or fancy clothes. It`s about being well groomed as well. Nail care should be an important and essential part of your beauty regimen. Today, nail art is a growing industry with thousands of takers.And nail art is no longer an expensive

Want Your Youngest Child to Achieve?

Brothers (photo: Getty Images)A new study indicates that first-born children perform better in school and also suggests why. It`s not that they are smarter or have higher self-esteem, but that their parents are tougher on them. "People shouldn`t feel limited because they are the second or

The Fruit That Really Does Keep the Doctor Away

Crisp, comforting and delicious, apples have remarkable health benefits, fighting everything from dental problems to diabetes, heart disease, at least 8 types of cancer, and possibly even Alzheimer’s.One of the latest discoveries is that eating at least 2 servings a week of whole

Simple Test Spots Dangerous Blood Clots

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are well on their way to making a screening test for life-threatening blood clots that`s as simple as an at-home pregnancy test.The test they`ve designed uses nanoparticles to sense thrombin, a key enzyme in blood clots. The

Ways to help your man de-stress

There may be days when your man may not wish to do anything but just curl up and relax on the couch after a hectic and tiring day. What you need to do is take the cues and help him unwind instead of making it all the more exhausting for him. Here`s how.1. Be a good listenerIt`s time to

Decorating Your Home on a Budget

Decorating and updating your home does not need to involve a large budget or extravagant ideas; It`s about knowing what small changes you can do to update your home and stay within a budget. Lifestyle blogger at, Destiny Alfonso, has some tips on decorating your home

5 types of women men should avoid

DHAKA: Women are always quick to state what they hate about men, trying to prove that it`s them who should work towards keeping the relationship going. However, it`s not always men who are to be blamed. Let`s face it, as there are things women hate about men, there are also quite a few

Super foods for glowing skin

All of us, regardless of age and gender, crave for healthy and great looking skin. Many suffer problems such as acne, age spots and dry skin, but nature has a cure for all your woes. Though moisturizers and beauty products help, what you eat matters more than what you put on. We list 10

Makeup colours this party season

To begin with, know your skin tone. Usually, earthy colours look good on Indian skin tones. Pick colours that have orange or yellow tint as they go well with most of Indian complexions. To make sure you look your best this party season, we`ve put together a list of colours that are hot

Weekly Beauty Tip

DHAKA: This week’s beauty tip is on ‘Subtle Liner’. Take your makeup box and try…Subtle LinerKenyan actress and filmmaker Lupita Nyong’O made quite the statement at the New York Film Festival screening of ‘12 Years a Slave’ by teaming her blue dress with a bold red lip, but

Make your own night cream at home

They play a crucial role to help maintain a youthful skin. And now, you do not even have to venture the market and spend a lot on buying a suitable night cream for your skin as you can make one of your own at home.-Stir a tablespoon of aloe vera gel and rosewater in a bowl and set aside.

How to get rid of stretch marks

Every woman hates the arrow streaks or lines that develop on the surface of the skin, which mars their natural beauty. Stretch marks not only affect pregnant women, but they also affect kids that grow quickly and people who gain and lose weight rapidly.During pregnancy, the skin first

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