Saturday, 27 Jul, 2024


10 Healthy reasons to eat apples

Apple has several health benefits, but this forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden is also a great weight loss food.Apples combine certain nutrients in a way that sets them apart from all other fruits and makes them a food of choice for achieving several health goals. Unique support for

How to lay the perfect Christmas table

Christmas dinners are always a special time with friends and family, when most folks out do themselves while preparing tasty spreads.But if you want it to be truly a cheerful affair that reflects the spirit of Christmas, make sure you take care of the little details that will really

Benefits of rose water

Generations of women have used rose water as part of their skin care regime. It isn`t uncommon to hear grannies extolling its benefits and not without reason.Rose water and rose oil are one of the oldest skin care and grooming products. It used to be added to baths as also to treat mild

6 Things women must learn from men

Undoubtedly, man and women make two sides of the same coin as they are perfect complements to each other. Yet both sexes are uniquely different. However, there must be a thing or two that one can learn from the other.So, taking the battle of sexes forward, we allowed men to share things

Maternal exercise

What could be more important than a newborn`s good health for an expecting women? But what is it that could be done to welcome your bundle of joy hail and healthy in this world. Well experts argue that a pregnant lady’s physical fitness paves way for her babies metal stability.

Fight Flu with Goji Berries

Just when everyone was giving up hope with any improvement in flu vaccines and their potency in fighting the dreadful flu, science has come up with yet another weapon to combat this problem namely goji berries. Having tested this new nutrient on mice as a part of research, the team of

Application of Self-Hypnosis to Ease Pain of Breast Biopsy

With biopsies of the breast becoming commonplace, a technique that has emerged as a viable and pain-reducing option is that of self hypnosis. As opposed to being administered the traditional local anesthetic, patients are taught to hypnotize themselves and remain status quo till the end

Junk food may cause memory loss

Junk food not only hurts your health but also your memory, according to a new study.The study by Margaret Morris, the head of pharmacology at the University of NSW, has found that eating a diet loaded with saturated fat and sugar may have an immediate effect on the brain’s cognitive

Isabgol- The Colon cleanser

Isabgol (psyllium husks) a natural vegetable product in highly purified form is nature’s highest soluble fiber obtained from plantago ovata (Isabgol) seeds.It is a naturally healthy fiber and is not absorbed in the intestine. It has no known interaction with other drugs, and does not

5 things never to share with your boyfriend

Where to draw the line in a relationship is very important. Certain info should only be limited to you.Personal affairs call for careful attention. And when it comes to a relationship, it makes all the more sense to keep certain personal information and details to self. The same applies

Weekly Beauty Tip

DHAKA: This week’s beauty tip is on ‘Full Brows’. Take your makeup box and try…Full BrowsIn addition to her bombshell waves we’re also inspired by Colombian actress Sofia Vergara’s bold brows, but an accidental over-tweeze may leave your arches more flat than full.Luckily, the

The Power Nut- Almond

A lot of information has been published about the benefits of nuts. Let me introduce to you one of them and what I am going to tell you are about almonds.Lets first talk about macro nutrients like proteins. Almonds are high in protein. One ounce (30g) contains 12% of our daily protein

Kitchen Remidies for Acidity

acidityI have read in some of the health journals that to get relief from Acidity, there are certain Kitchen Remedies.I understand that Acidity is a condition in which the stomach produces too much of acid of certain foods fermenting in the stomach leaving a lot of acid residue. The usual

Increase child’s concentration and memory?

Have you seen your child losing concentration quite often, forgetting trivial things very easily? Then your child’s memory must be suffering.The brain requires adequate energy to function well and this can be provided with good nourishment through good food intake and regular physical

Remove makeup with care

Pop colours can brighten up your face, but to improve your skin ensure that you clean it with mild face wash once you get back home from your outings.Makeover expert Aashmeen Munjaal shares how to go gentle on skin after exposing it to a heavy dose of make-up:- Wash your face with mild

Alarm signs that spell cancer

They are common symptoms and can be passed off as your body getting to grips with every day tiredness. But experts warn that if you notice any other major changes in the way your body functions or feels, you should see a doctor, especially if the changes persist or get worse. It may not

11 Easy Fast Weight Loss Ideas that work

In today’s world, where everybody is getting conscious about looking good, it has become all the more necessary to keep oneself in shape. Well, if you have a good figure, not only it enables you to flaunt your body, but also it helps in boosting your confidence level. For some people,

Ten foods to avoid for a flat belly….

Every person has problem areas on their body. The main problem which every one likes to harp are about their stomachs. We dietitians do not have a magic wand to give you wash board abs, but we can definitely help you reach there. A few tips to reduce the belly bloat and to look great are

Benefits of Tulsi Tea

Tulsi or holy basil is common at every Hindu home and are known for its therapeutic benefits. Tulsi tea, basically made from Tulsi leaves, now promoted by various brands, has gained popularity of its health benefits. Lets have a look at few of the benefits of drinking Tusli tea..It is

9 Dietary tips for healthy ageing

The following tips will ensure an adequate intake of the required nutrients and a healthy lifestyle among older adults.Small, frequent meals. Older adults require small quantity of food which can be easily digested and absorbed. Four or five small meals are recommended. Do not remain