Saturday, 27 Jul, 2024


A Special First Day

As the little ones put carefree summer days behind them and hop on the bus to learn and grow at school, parents can establish resolutions that keep kids focused and their schoolwork organized. Start the school year with these six resolution ideas, and your elementary student will be an A+

7 Things to Wear That Make You Look Younger

Everyday, it gets harder to look younger. But, with a few style tricks, you can create a more youthful appearance with fashion that take years off your appearance. Learn how to choose and style the outfits that will make you look instantly younger.By following a few easy style guidelines,

How expanding waistlines may contribute to cancer growth

Studies of groups of people have demonstrated a link between obesity and certain cancers; however, the physiological causes have not been identified.The World Health Organization reports that in 2008 there were more than 1.4 billion obese adults in the world and that cancer claimed the

Sugar and calorie-free sweeteners

In addition to adding sweetness, sugar`s distinctive properties enable it to play an important role in food preservation.For example, sugar (otherwise known as sucrose) absorbs and retains water very easily and is therefore included in breads and muffins to help keep them moist and

How much water should you drink every day?

DHAKA: It`s important to drink water according to your lifestyle rather than follow the 8-glass water rule, say nutritionists.Water is your body`s principal chemical component and a natural detoxifier but not many are aware about how much water should we ideally drink everyday.Moreover,

Is it Possible for Men and Women to Be Just Friends?

Dan Callistein, licensed clinical social worker of Northfield, Ill., says it is possible for men and women to be just friends, but it can be difficult. He adds that both people need to only want friendship, and that doesn`t always happen. So, if there is any sexual attraction between the

Facebook Destroying Friendships

Yes, social media envy is an actual thing, and it may not only be affecting your Facebook friendships, but your mental state as well. A study done by sociologists at Utah Valley University on 400 college students found that the people who spent more time on Facebook had sadder outlooks on

Casual Fashion for Men

Casual male fashion may seem like an oxymoron, especially if your man thinks a grubby t-shirt and the jeans he`s had since college can pass as real clothes. Fortunately, there are some great casual fashions for men that even your guy will love. Help him find his personal style with a

Fruity remedies for your skin and hair

The summer has kicked off and it`s time to rejuvenate your hair and skin to save yourself from heat rashes, acne, frizzy and dry hair.If going in for expensive treatments at spas and salons are not your thing, here are some seasonal fruits you can use at home to help you get the

How to Lose Weight with Water

Water is one of the best beverages you can consume.  There is nothing more important for survival and more prevalent in our bodies than water.  Yet when it comes to daily life, more people drink everything but water ritually.  They drink coffee, diet pop, fully caffeinated sodas and

Brilliant ways to get a flatter belly

Worried why all your ab exercises aren`t showing the results you want? Maybe you are missing something. These simple tips will make your workout work better for you...Begin with small movesBegin easy — you cannot go on a cyclothon before you know how to cycle and similarly you cannot do

7 Things you must tell your partner

DHAKA: A relationship is based on conversation between the two people involved, more than anything else. At times, there`s no way around but to be vocal about certain things, when with your partner. While it may be hurtful or unpleasant at the moment, more than often, it does good in the

10 Easy Ways to Give Thanks

1. Volunteer. A free way to show you care; donating your time can make a big difference, whether it’s for an organized charity or just your elderly neighbor. 2. Random acts of kindness. Be an anonymous do-gooder. Leave little thank-you notes for people who might go overlooked, like

5 Fruits For Glowing Skin

Simple lifestyle changes like incorporating fruits in your daily diet can give you glowing skin. Fruits help with Clear complexion; Skin rejuvenation, Natural hydration; Improvement of Skin texture and making the skin appear youthful and glowing. Fruits are safe with no side effects and

3 Genius On-the-Go Beauty Tricks

1. Make it last with primer: Whether you’re at work, out for a night, or have a long day, chances are you need that beautiful fresh made-up face to last awhile. Our tip: splurge a little on primer, save on everything else. If you have a good primer, inexpensive drugstore makeup will

Weekly Beauty Tip

DHAKA: This week’s beauty tip is on ‘Peach Lips and Cheeks’. Take your makeup box and try…Peach Lips and CheeksWho said going matchy-matchy was a bad thing? At the Museum of Modern Art screening of The Great Gatsby in New York City, American actress Emma Roberts paired her faint

Most expensive hotel suite in New York

DHAKA: The most expensive hotel suite in New York City took seven years and $50 million USD to build, features cathedral ceilings, semi-precious stones in the bathroom, a grand piano and stands 800 feet (over 240 m) above the street the highest hotel penthouse in the city.Named after the

Sunscreen: Are You Really Covered?

Summers are here again and though people are enjoying this weather by arranging picnics but they are also worried because of the evergreen problem associated with summers! Yes you got that part right. “How to protect your skin from sunrays”? Parents are worried for their children who

Skipping Breakfast May Increase Heart Attack Risk

You have heard your elders saying never skip breakfast. Breakfast is most important meal after a long night. Breakfast is considered to be the most important meal as it provides you energy to cope up with all day troubles.Now research has revealed another reason to have breakfast which is

Choose the Best Kitchen Tile Flooring

While you think of how to make your kitchen interesting keep in mind that most important part of your day has to be spent in the kitchen. Make sure that the kitchen tiles are different and beautiful according to the ambience of the kitchen.The choice of kitchen tiles should be made by the