Saturday, 21 Sep, 2024


Kamal slams EU prescription

Special Correspondent |
Update: 2014-09-22 06:12:00
Kamal slams EU prescription

DHAKA: State Minister for Home Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal blasted European Union (EU) for its resolution on dissolving Rapid Action Battalion (RAB).

“We are a sovereign country and do not act as per prescription of someone else. We will take action against RAB,” he said.

The ruling Awami League lawmaker came up with the assertion while talking to journalists at his secretariat office on Monday.

He added: “We will take action as per our constitution if RAB does any misdeed.”

On September 18, European Parliament passed a resolution to express concern over human rights violations by RAB and other security forces in Bangladesh.

BDST: 1600 HRS, SEP 22, 2014

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