Saturday, 27 Jul, 2024


Saudi could obtain Pakistani atom bombs upon request

DHAKA: Saudi Arabia has reportedly financed Pakistani-developed nuclear weapons, and the kingdom devises Islamabad will provide it atomic bombs upon request.The BBC reported Wednesday night, The Jerusalem Post publishes this report on Thursday.The Gulf states have been concerned about

2 dead, seven wounded in Detroit shooting

DHAKA: At least two people were shot dead and seven others wounded when a gunman opened fire on Wednesday evening at a busy intersection outside a barbershop in Detroit, police said.The barbershop where the shooting happened has a reputation for gambling, but it was too early to tell

Thousands flee in Philippines as typhoon nears

DHAKA: Philippine officials said on Thursday that thousands of villagers, including those from a central province devastated recently by an earthquake, are being evacuated as one of Asia’s most powerful typhoons this year approaches.Typhoon ‘Haiyan’ was already packing sustained

Mandela’s grandson in trouble over unpaid legal fees

DHAKA: Lawyers for apartheid icon Nelson Mandela’s eldest grandson said they have gone to court over unpaid legal fees after a well-publicised court feud with relatives while the peace icon lay in hospital.Mandla Mandela owes Randall Titus & Associates ‘approximately half a million

‘Iran nuclear issue not insoluble’

DHAKA: Iran’s foreign minister has expressed cautious optimism about upcoming talks on Iran`s nuclear programme, saying the issue is ‘not insoluble’.World powers and Iran are due to meet in Geneva later on Thursday for a further round of discussions.Iran foreign minister Javad Zarif

Musharraf free from house arrest

DHAKA: Pakistan’s former military ruler Pervez Musharraf has been released from house arrest and is free to move around the country, prison officials say.It comes days after he was bailed over the 2007 army operation to oust militants from Islamabad’s Red Mosque, the last legal case

Social business to change the world

FROM KUALA LUMPUR: Through social business Malaysia is now initiating mission to change the world. Arranging fifth Global Social Business Summit (GSBS), Malaysia, also known as Asian tiger, wants to change the format of social business.    The social business which was started by Nobel

Polonium found in Arafat’s bones

DHAKA: Swiss scientists who conducted tests on samples taken from Yasser Arafat’s body have found at least 18 times the normal levels of radioactive polonium in his remains. The scientists said that they were confident up to an 83 percent level that the late Palestinian leader was

Arafat `may have been poisoned`

DHAKA: The late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat may have been poisoned with radioactive polonium, says a Swiss forensic report obtained by al-Jazeera.Arafat`s official medical records say he died in 2004 from a stroke resulting from a blood disorder.But his body was exhumed last year

8 killed as bomb hits Damascus city centre

DHAKA: A bomb exploded in a central square of Damascus on Wednesday, killing eight people and wounding several othersSyria’s state news agency said, reports The Jerusalem Post.The SANA report said the blast hit Hejaz square, in the heart of the capital, but offered no further details as

‘Iranian nuclear talks may be in Kazakhstan’

DHAKA: Kazakhstan foreign minister Yerlan Idrisov said he does not rule out the possibility that the final round of the negotiations between Iran and the international Sextet (five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany) on the Iranian nuclear programme will be held in

103 Indians offered to pay a ‘10-yr-old girl to strip

DHAKA: Enlisting the help of a computer-generated 10-year-old Philippine girl, Dutch children’s rights activists turned online sex predators into their prey.In an online sting operated from an anonymous warehouse office in an Amsterdam industrial park, activists from Terre des Hommes

China to close schools during heavy smog

DHAKA: Chinese cities should close schools, cut working hours and stop outdoor activities during the most severe spells of air pollution.China’s environmental protection ministry said on Wednesday, reports The Straits Times.‘Every possible compulsory measure’ must be taken to cut

Colombia says Russian bombers violated its airspace

DHAKA: Colombia is preparing a letter of protest to Russia after two Russian bomber planes twice entered the Andean nation’s airspace without authorization when flying between Venezuela and Nicaragua last week.Colombia president Juan Manuel Santos said on Tuesday, The Jerusalem Post

Strike brings Greece to a halt

DHAKA: Workers in Greece are holding a 24-hour general strike over continuing cuts as international lenders decide whether to unlock further bailout money.Flights and other transport are being disrupted by action in both the public and private sectors, and schools and hospitals are also

Greenhouse gases in atmosphere hit new record

DHAKA: The amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere hit a record high in 2012, continuing an ever-faster rise that is driving climate change.The United Nations weather agency said on Wednesday, reports The Straits Times.In an annual report on greenhouse gases, the World Meteorological

Myanmar set to release dozens of political prisoners

DHAKA: Myanmar may release scores of political prisoners this month to fulfil a promise by its reformist president to free prisoners of conscience by the end of this year.A member of a state-appointed panel said on Wednesday, reports The Straits Times.A 19-member committee set up by

Iran minister seeks end to Facebook ban

DHAKA: Iran’s government should legalise access to social-networking websites including Twitter and Facebook.Iran’s culture and Islamic guidance minister Ali Jannati says, reports‘Not only Facebook, but other social networks should be accessible and the illegal

Swiss, Russian teams submit results of Arafat’s autopsy

DHAKA: Two of the European teams investigating the reasons for Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat’s death have already submitted their results to a special Palestinian committee in Geneva.Official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported on Tuesday, The Jerusalem Post publishes this report

Kerry seeks to rescue Israeli-Palestinian peace process

DHAKA: US state secretary John Kerry will hold talks on Wednesday with Israeli and Palestinian leaders to try to keep the peace process from collapsing, urging them to reach a long-elusive deal.Only a few hours after Kerry arrived on Tuesday in Israel on a new mission to bring the two