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BD ranks 110 in WEF capability index

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2013-09-09 08:10:36
BD ranks 110 in WEF capability index

DHAKA: Bangladesh ranked 110th in the World Economic Forum (WEF) capability index in  2013-14 improving eight steps from last year’s standing.

The business environment in Bangladesh-2013 report made the disclosure.

Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) disclosed the report at its office in the city on Monday.

The report said Bangladesh has achieved various successes in many sectors like power, energy, health, and education and information technology.

World Economic Forum made it and CPD helped to make the report.

Last year Bangladesh was the 118 in the index in 2012-2013.

Switzerland retained its 1st position while Singapore second and Finland Third in 2013-2014 capability index.

BDST: 1755 HRS, SEP 09, 2013
GR/MMA/ [email protected]

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